From design to code— in only one command line.

Simplest no-pain workflow ever.

Design. Setup. Sync.

Zeytal allows designers and developers to sync their work by auto-generating code from their Figma files.

Figma to Prod.Anytime. Anywhere.

  • Auto-generate Figma files variables.

    Extract and generate all your Figma variables in one file.

  • Auto-export Figma files assets.

    Export your SVGs, PNGs, and JPGs assets with one simple command.

  • Auto-generate Figma files styles.

    Extract and generate all your Figma styles in one file.

  • From design to code in seconds.

    Generate your code with one command line using zeytal.

  • Generate in multiple file formats.

    Generate your styles and variables in JSON, SCSS, Saas or Less.

  • Sync with multiple Figma files at once.

    Zeytal can extract your data from multiple Figma files.

  • Designed to live in CI environments.

    Works with the same commands in local and on your CI pipeline.

  • Fully customizable.

    Zero-config dark magic tool shipped with your craziest overriding needs in mind.

  • No design efforts or sacrifices required.

    No need to change how you design stuff. Use it. Love it. Forget it.

  • It works with everything

    If you can install NPM packages,

    it will work

All in all...

Design and maintain without pain.

Zeytal's public release is coming soon.

Today, you can avoid missing out on it.

Join the waiting list

Simple wasn't enough.We also made it easy.

  • 01

    Design on Figma.

    Design your stuff on Figma. Create and implement your styles. Set export settings on your assets.

  • 02

    Setup Zeytal.

    Create an account. Create a new project. Add your Figma API token. Select your Figma files.

  • 03

    Use the CLI.

    Install zeytal in your dev env. Setup your preferences in a config file. Type “zeytal generate”.

Your product won't blame you for taking a shortcut.

Zeytal's public release is coming soon.

Benefit from knowing this before your competition does.

Simple. Easy.But is it perfect?

  • Never copy-paste stuff ever again.

    What? Never having to copy-paste an hex color code ever again?

    Sweetest life ever.

  • Don't export assets. Auto-sync them.

    Forget about exporting and maintaining SVGs and stuff.

    Use one command line to download and optimize them.

  • Does it come in black?

    SCSS instead of JSON? Hsla over hex? Rem instead of px?

    You set the rules. Don't settle.

    Get what you want.

  • Where is this variable again?

    Forget about storing and structuring design tokens. Download them already ready.

  • Fuck technical debt.

    Don't maintain your design system in two places.

    Clean on Figma. Auto-sync in dev.

  • Power couple instead of strangers.

    Less talking. More doing.

    Zeytal factually reduces the gap between design and dev.

Still here?

Join the waiting list